Betekenis van:
look across

to look across
  • uitzien, uitkijken
  • be oriented in a certain direction




  1. When you come across unknown words, you have to look them up in the dictionary.
  2. When Mary saw him, a look of surprise spread across her face.
  3. If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary.
  4. From the tower you can look out across the plain spread beneath your eyes.
  5. When you come across new words, you must look them up in your dictionary.
  6. In the documents titled ‘Environmental balance 2005’ (Milieubalans 2005) and ‘Particulate matter: a closer look’ (Fijn stof nader bekeken) annexed to their notification, the Dutch authorities stress that concentrations of particulate matter in the air exceed European air quality standards to a considerable extent across wide areas of the Netherlands.
  7. In the documents titled ‘Environmental balance 2005’ (Milieubalans 2005) and ‘Particulate matter: a closer look’ (Fijn stof nader bekeken) annexed to their notification, the Dutch authorities stress that concentrations of particulate matter in the air exceed European air quality standards to a considerable extent across wide areas of the Netherlands. The Dutch authorities note that the daily air quality limits for particulate matter will still be exceeded on a large scale in 2010. On the contrary, breaches of the annually averaged standard for particulate matter occur hardly at all.
  8. The risk capital market across the European Union has changed markedly since the publication of the Communication in 2001. In view of this the United Kingdom agrees that there will need to be some fundamental revisions in the Communication when it is revised in 2006. This will almost certainly need to go beyond looking at tranche sizes to look at other issues such as the balance of private sector risk as compensation for greater public funding and greater use of instruments such as block exemptions.